List of Border Collie Books

Aaster, Mary, The Flock (1906)
Early sheep farming in the U.S.A.

Alexander, L. R., Selecting and Training a Stockdog, Marshfield, MO: L.R. Alexander
Selecting & Training Border Collie for cattle work

Allen, Arthur, A Lifetime with the Working Collie, Their Training and History, McLeansboro, Ill.: Arthur Allen (1979)
Training, autobiography.

-----, Album of Fame, McLeansboro, Ill.: Arthur Allen
History, autobiography.

-----, Border Collies in America, McLeansboro, Ill.: Arthur Allen (1965)
History, autobiography.

Amery, H., The Silly Sheepdog, London: Usbourne (1990)

Anderson, G. M., From the Glens to the Lowlands, Bognor Regis, Sussex: New Horizon (1979)
A British shepherd/farmer discusses his lifetime work.

-----, Times Remembered, Bognor Regis: Anchor Publishing (1985)

Anderson, M., The Good Dogs of Algides (1965)
True story of a remote New Zealand sheep station

"Arnsonian," Training the Working Collie Kulsyth: S.M. Duncan Ltd (1958)
Instructions on training a herding dog.

Ascroft, Patricia, The Border Collie, Douglas, Isle of Man: Times Longbooks (1965)
History, Training

Bader, Douglas, Dog Stories

Baker, Ivy, The Monday Sheepdog, Australia: Angus & Robertson (1987)
Story about a boy and his dog.

Ball, Murray, Footrot Flats, Kildawest, Victoria Australia: Orin Books (1978)
Humorous cartoon books

Barrington, John, Red Sky at Night, London: Michael Joseph (1984)
Personal narrative of a Perthshire shepherd

Baskerville, W., Show Collies & Shetland Sheepdogs
Chapter on working sheepdogs

Beaumont, Barbara, Bracken's Progress (1981)
Obedience & general training

-----, The Versatile Border Collie, England: Nimrod Press Ltd (1958)
Breed book.

Beresford, J., SOS for Sheepdog Taff, London: Holden & Stoughton (1963)

-----, Taff, the Sheepdog, London: University of London Press (1949)

Bernan, Robert, Tales from the Blue Stacks, London: Hamish Hamilton (1983)

Berrisford, Judith, Son of Taff, London: Holden & Stoughton (1959)
Story of sheepdog Taff.

Bewick, Thomas, General History of Quadrupeds, New Castle: Hodgson, Beilby & Bewick (1791)
Includes material about sheepdogs.

Bice, Clare, A Dog for Davie's Hill, New York: Macmillan (1957)
Story about a boy training his first sheepdog.

Billingham, Viv, One Woman and Her Dog, Cambridge: Patrick Stephens, Ltd. (1984)
Anecdotal, autobiography.

-----, The Shepherd's Wife, Yetholm: Viv Billingham (1986)
Further anecdotes about shepherding life.

-----, Tweedhope Sheep Dogs, Exeter: BPCC Wheatons LTD. (1990)
History, anecdote and autobiography

Birch, B., Discover a Shepherds Year, Hemel Hemstead: S & S Young Books (1990)

Black Bob Annual, Black Bob's Big Job, D. C. Thompson (1961)
Cartoon series.

-----, Black Bob and the Black Prowlers, D. C. Thompson (1957)
Cartoon series

-----, Black Bob's Island Adventures, D. C. Thompson (1951)
Cartoon series.

-----, Dangerous Days for Black Bob, D. C. Thompson (1959)
Cartoon series.

-----, Hee Haw Hill, D. C. Thompson
Cartoon series

-----, The Boot for Black Bob, D. C. Thompson (1962)
Cartoon series.

Blyton, Enid, Shadow, the Sheepdog, London: Collin (1958)
Story of a sheepdog.

Braund, Kathryn, The Uncommon Dog Breeds, New York: Arco (1975)
Contains a chapter on the Border Collie

Bray, Joan, The Border Checkpoint, Mittagong: John Wheeler Printing (1989)

Broad, E.G., Raising and Training A Working Dog, Wellington: New Zealand Dept. of Agriculture (1970)

Brood, G. D., Sheepdog Training

Brown, Lou & Marv, Stock Dog Training Manual, Ekalaka, MT: Eagle Publishing Co. (1990)

Bunting, Edward & Sayers, Angela, Hamlyn Dog Breed Handbook: Border Collies, London: Hamlyn Publishing Group LTD. (1988)
General information

Burton, Jane, A Dog's Life, New York: Howell Book House (1986)
First year of life of a litter of pups told in photographs.

Caius, D. J., Of English Dogges, London (1570)
Section on the shepherd's dog

Capstick, Thomas, Sheepdog Training, England (1920?)

Carpenter, Barbara, The Blue Riband of the Heather: The Supreme Champions 1906-88, Ipswich: Farming Press (1989)
History of ISDS champions, with pictures

Carpenter, E. B., The Border Collies, Basic Training for Sheepwork
Lydney, Glos.: M. D. Jenkins (1982)
Basic training manual for herding dogs

Cavanaugh, Rod, Australian Sheep Dogs: Training & Handling, Victoria, Australia: R. C. Stocklight (1990)

Chanoy, Georges, Chien de Benger, Paris: ITOUIC (1976)
Chapter on Border Collie

Clartie, H. G., Practical Shepherding (1959)
Clement, The Working Border Collie: A Handbook for Trainers and Handlers, (1959)
Breeding, history & training.

Coatsworth, Elizabeth, Jock's Island, New York: Viking (1963)

Collier, Margaret, Border Collies, Neptune City, NY: T.F.H. Publications, Inc. (1991)

Combe, Iris, Border Collies, London: Faber & Faber (1978)
Breed book

-----, Collies Yesterday and Today, Liptree, Essex: J.B. Printers (1972)
Section on Border Collies

-----, Herding Dogs, Their Origin and Development in Britain, London: Faber & Faber (1987)

-----, Shepherds, Sheep, and Sheepdogs, Lancaster: Dalesman Books (1983)
A feminine view of shepherding life and customs

Cropper, Katy and Barbara Collins, A Dog's Life in the Dales, London: Smith Gryphon (1992)

Daw, Nicky, Sheepdog, A & C Black (1986)

Denmead, C., One Dog and His Man, Clapham, Lancs.: Dalesman (1983)

-----, One Dog and His Man--Another Bite of Shep, Clapham, Lancs.: Dalesman (1987)

DeSally, Vopgile, Suggestions pour dresser un Border Collie, Limoges: Maison de l'Agriculture (1975)

Dinnig, H. H., The Farmer's Best Friend: A Working Sheepdog, Australia (1979)

Drabble, Phil, One Man and His Dog, London: Michael Joseph (1984)
Behind-the-scenes description of the popular BBC TV series

Dudley, Ernest, Dog of the Storm, London: F. Muller (1979)
How a dog's deafness was overcome in training

Duncan, Jane, Brave Janet Reachfar, New York: Houghton Mifflin (1975)
Story of a girl and her Border Collie.

Edwards, M., Killer Dog, London: Collins (1959)

Erickson, Phoebe, Double or Nothing, New York: Harper & Row (1958)

Evans, Foy, Border Collies Training Simplified, Foy Evans (1981)

Fayers, R. J., The Sheep of Dolqwilli, (1980)

Fidler, Kathleen, Flash the Sheepdog, Edinburgh: Lutterworth Press (1984)

-----, Turk, the Border Collie, Edinburgh: Lutterworth Press (1975)

Findlay, Jim, Se La V: Life of the Earth (1985)
Farming life in Scotland and dog training

Finger, C. J., A Dog at His Heel, Philadelphia: John C. Winston Company (1936)
The story of Jock an Australian sheepdog.

Finger, Karl, Hirten und Hutehunde, Ulmer: Stattgart (1988)
Contains material on Border Collies

Firbank, Thomas, I Bought A Mountain, London: G. G. Harap & Co. (1940)

Flick, Don, Anne Hootnanny: A Thief's Best Friend Is My Dog, Ontario, Canada: Flick Printing Ltd. (1971)
Highlights escapades of Mr. Flick's dogs.

Fogt, Bruce, Lessons from a Stock Dog: A Training Guide, Sidney, Ohio: The Working Border Collie, Inc. (1996)

Frazier, Farm Dogs

Georgetta, Clel Evan, Kelley of the Triune, Reno, Nev.: Venture Pub. Co. (1979)
Biography of a sheepdog.

Gossett, Adelaide L. J., Shepherds of Britain, London: Constable & Co. (1911)

Goutte, Roy, The Principal Lines Vol. 1 & 2, Hampshire, England: Alresford Press Ltd. (1990)
Obedience and some trial bloodlines

Greig, T. Russell, The Sheepdog: Management and Feeding, Edinburgh: HMSO (1956)

-----, Shepherd's Guide (revised) Glasgow: Robert Young (1985)

Grew, Sheila, Key Dogs I, United Kingdom: Payn Essex Printers (1984)
Breed book

-----, Key Dogs II, United Kingdom: Payn Essex Printers (1985)
Breed book

Gridley, Marlon, Jamie's Dog, Chicago: Encyclopedia Brittanica Press (1963)

Hall, Martin, Charlie and Tess (Illustrated by Catherine Walters), Little Tiger Press (1996)

Hall, P. with U. Wright, Shepherd's Year, Newton Abbot: David Cavles (1987)
Photographs of New Zealand

Halsall, Eric, British Sheepdogs, International Sheep Dog Society (1992)

-----. Gael: Sheepdog of the Hills, Wellingborough: P. Stephens (1985)

-----, Meg of Longtop

-----, Sheepdog Trials, Cambridge: Patrick Stephens (1982)
History of Trialing and Border Collies

------, Sheepdogs, My Faithful Friends, London: P. Stephens (1980)
History shepherding and working sheepdogs of Britain.

-----, The Hill Dog, London: Blackie (1961)
Story of a sheepdog

Hart, Edward, The Hill Shepherd, Newton Abbot, Devon: David & Charles (1977)
Description of the life of a typical hill shepherd.

Hartley, C. W. G., The Shepherd's Dogs, Christchurch: Whitcombe and Tombs (1950)
History and training

Hastings, Howard L., Watch, Shepherd of the Range, New York: Cupples & Leon Co. (1939)

Herriot, James, James Herriot's Dog Stories New York: St. Martin's Press (1986)
Memoir--Some Border Collie storles.

-----, Only One Woof, New York: St. Martin's Press (1985)
Delightful children's book about a sheepdog named Gyp.

Hickmott, W. J., Paw Marks, Hartford, CT: Maplerock Press (1932)

Hinkle, J. E., King, Story of a Sheepdog, London: A. & B. Black Ltd. (1936)

-----, Shep, London: Hutchinsons Books for Young People (1950)

Hochwalt, A. F., The Farmer's Dog--for Worth, for Profit, for Sport, Cincinnatti: Cincinnatti Sportsmans Digest (1922)

Hogg, James, Shepherd's Calendar, Edinburgh

Holland, Vergil, Herding Dogs: Progressive Training, Howell Book House (1995)

Holmes, John, The Farmer's Dog, London: Popular Dog's Publishing Co. Ltd. (1975) (various editions)

Hubbard, Clifford, Working Dogs of the World, London: Sedgewick, Jackson (1947)
Section on Border Collies

Hudson, W. H., A Shepherd's Life, London: Metheun & Co. (1911)

Hunter, R. G., Sheepdog Training Explained, Bromcard: Record Printers Ltd. (1983)

Hutchins, Monica, Brocky, Dorset, England: Abbey Press (1975)
Hutchinson, Walter, Hutchinson's Dog Encyclopedia, Vol. III (P-Z), London.
Lengthy, illustrated article on sheep dog trials.

Iley, Tony, Sheepdogs at Work, Clapham: Dalesman (1978)
History, training, trials, breeding

Ingram, Arthur, Shepherding Tools and Customs, Aylesbury: Shire Publications, Ltd. (1977)

Jenkinson, Marinda, Roger, a Yorkshire Sheepdog, His Life and Letters (1936)

Jones, Edward W. H., Sheep-Dog Trials and the Sheep-Dog, Brecom: Edwin Poole (1892)

Jones, H. Glyn and Barbara Collins, A Way of Life: Sheepdog Training, Handling and Trialling, Ipswill: Farming Press (1987)

Kaleski, R., Cattle Dogs & Sheepdogs, Sydney: W. A. Gullick, Government Printer (1910)

Karrasch, Dick, Training A Stockdog--For Beginners, Alabama: Karrasch (1985)

Keller, W. Phillip (Weldon Phillip), Lessons from a Sheep Dog, Waco, Texas: Word Books (1984)
Christian life

Kelley, Ralph B., Sheep dogs, Their Breeding, Maintenance, and Training, Sydney, London: Angus & Roberson (1942)
Training & care

King-Smith, Dick, Babe, the Gallant Pig, New York: Crown (1983)
Children's story of sheepherding pig, with Border Collies

Kingwill, and Munitich, Brenda, South African Sheepdogs: Training & Trials, Greytown, S.A.: Tip Top Press (1985)
History of South African Sheepdog Association

Knight, L., A Guide to Training Sheepdogs in New Zealand, Aukland: Gainsborough Printing (1984)

Knowles, Barry, Sheep Dip

-----, Sheep's Eye View I and II

----- and Christine Denmead, Shep and the Sheep

Knowles, Cecila, Kelpie, A Scottish Sheepdog, London: Evans Brothers Ltd (1958)

Lamb, Shepherd's Guide to the Cumberland

Laird, Elizabeth, The Day Patch Stood Guard, New York: Tamborne (1990)
Picture book about Border Collie on the farm

Larson, Janet, The Versatile Border Collie, Loveland, CO: Alpine Press (1986)
Breed book

Lee, Rawdon B., The Collie or Sheepdog, London: H. Cox (1890)

Levin, Betty, Away to Me, Moss, New York: Greenwillow (1994)
Young boy trains a dog for trialing

Lewis, Ernest, Beth, a Sheepdog, Toronto: Macmillan (1934)
A classic history of a hardworking sheepdog.

Lewis, Kim, First Snow, New York: Candlewick Press (1994)
Story of little girl helping to feed hill sheep

-----, Floss, New York: Candlewick Press (1992)
Picture book about a Border Collie

-----, Shepherd Boy, New York: Candlewick Press (1990)
Story of a young boy and his first dog

Lilico, James, The Breeding and Training of Sheepdogs, Invercargill, NZ: Southland Press (1919)

-----, Fifty Years Amongst Sheepdogs

-----, Sheepdog Memoirs

Lithgow, Scott, Training and Working Dogs, Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland (1988)
Training for cattle

Longton, Tim and Edward Hart, The Sheepdog--Its Work and Training, North Pomfret, VT: Newton Abbot (1976)

-----, Your Sheepdog and Its Training, Sussex, England: Alan Exley Ltd, 1969
Forerunner to The Sheepdog, Its Work and Training.

McCaig, Donald, Eminent Dogs, Dangerous Men, New York: Harper/Collins (1991)
Travel, narrative

-----, Nop's Hope, New York: Crown (1994)

-----, Nop's Trials, New York: Crown (1984)

McCulloch, John Herries, Border Collie Studies, Edinburgh: Pentland Press (1952)
Breeding, training

-----, Midget: The Tale of a Border Collie, Dumfries: Robert Dinwiddie & Co. Ltd (1976)

-----, Sheep Dogs and Their Masters, Dumfries: R. Dinwiddie (1938)
A history of the Border Collie and prominent handlers.

-----. and Dee Woessner, Sheep Dogs and Their Masters, Lunenburg, MA: Toft East Publishing,1994
Updated from the 1938 edition with additional text and photographs by Dee Woessner

McGiffen, Lee, High Whistle Charlie, New York: Patton (1962)

McNaughton, Neil, Tat, A New Zealand Sheepdog, Auckland: Collins (1970)

Means, Ben, The Perfect Stockdog, Walnut Grove, Missouri: Ben-Means (1970)

Meeks, S. P., Boots, the Story of a Working Sheepdog (1948)

Mills, A. R., Herbert, S. F. & McIntyre, W. V., A Practical Guide to Handling Dogs & Stock, Wellington, Aukland, Sydney, Melbourne: A. J. & A. W. Reed (1964)

Mills, Enos A., The Story of Scotch, Boston & NY: Houghton, Mifflin (1916)
Dog biography, photos

Moore, James L., The Canine King, Victoria, Australia: Standard Newspapers (1929)

Moorhouse, Sydney, The British Sheepdog, London: H.F. & G. Witherby Ltd. (1950)
History, training

Mundell, Matt, Country Diary, Edinburgh: Gordon Wright Publishing (1981)

Munitich, Brenda, A Year on the Farm, Cape Town, S.A.: Human and Rousseau (1989)
Picture book about the sheepdog's work through the year.

-----, Ben's Buddy, Pretoria, S.A.: De Jager-Haum (1987)
Story of a boy and his sheepdog.

-----, Chummy, the Story of a Champion, Pretoria, S.A.: De Jager-Haum (1986)
Chummy, a Border Collie, becomes a Champlon

-----, Ric, Rags and Plum Duff, Pretoria, S.A.: De Jager-Haum (1989)
Humorous story of two Border Collies and a pig.

-----, Tuff Guy, Pretoria, S.A.: De Jager-Haum (1992)
A sheepdog, a dolphin and a mystery.

Nathan, S. M., Farm Dogs: Young Farmers Booklets, United Kingdom: Evans (1956)

Newton, Peter, Ten Thousand Dogs, Wellington: A.H. & A. W. Reed (1971)

Niall, Ian, One Man and His Dogs, New York: Morrow (1975)

Niall, Ian, The Galloway Shepherd, London: Heineman (1970)

Nixon, David B., Walk Soft in the Fold, London: Chatto & Windus (1977)
Shepherding in the Cotswolds

Ollivant, Alfred, Bob, Son of Battle, New York: Doubleday & McClure Co. (1901)
(Reprinted as Bob, Son of Battle, Mahwah, NJ: Troll Associates (1988)
Story of a sheepdog.

O'Reilly, Charles, Training Working Livestock Dogs, Red Wing, Minnesota: Shamrock Farm Review (1982)

Ostergren, Birgitta, Vallhandan, Sweden (1986)

Outerbridge, Thayer, The Last Shepherds, New York: Viking (1979)
Chapter on British shepherds and dogs

Palmer, William Thomas, Odd Corners of Derbyshire, London: Skeffington & Sons

Pasco, Luke, Heather Jean, Working Sheepdog, Chicago: Sheephandler Inc. (1937)
Early trialing in the United States

Paulsen, Gary, Hay Meadow, New York: Dell Publishing Co. (1993)
Juvenile Fiction

Pennefather, G. Lionel, Sheepdogs, County Cork: G. Lionel Pennefather (1967)

Perrof, Martha S., Your Registered Border Collie, Ottowa, IL: Ledger Printers (1953)
Breed book

Perry, Richard, I Went A'shepherding, London: L. Drummond, Ltd. (1945)
Autobiography of a shepherding naturalist

Philip, R.A.F., Afrighting van Shoaphonde (Training sheepdogs), Bredasdorp, South Africa: Overberg Pers. (1980)

Pollard, Jack, Wild Dogs, Working Dogs: Pedigrees and Pets, New Zealand: Reed (1968)
Anthology, poetry

Puxley, W. Lavallin, Collies and Sheep Dogs, London: Williams & Norgate Ltd (1948)
Shepherd's dogs

Quarton, Marjorie, All About the Working Border Collie, London: Pelham (1986)
Breed book

-----, No Harp Like My Own, London: William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. (1988)

-----, One Dog and His Man, Belfast/Dover: Blackstaff Press (1984)
Humorous story

-----, One Dog and His Trials, Belfast/Dover: Blackstaff Press (1984)
Humorous story

-----, The Farm Dog, A Beginners Guide, Nenagh, Northern Ireland: Glesson & Sons Printers

Ralston Purina Co., The Purina Farm Dog Book, St. Louis: Ralston Purina Co. (1951)

Ranch Dog Trainer, RDT's Puppy Book, West Plains, MO: Stoneledge Publishing Co. (1991)
Raising and beginning training of the stock dog.

Randall, Henry, Sheep Husbandry (from The Shepherd's Own Book), New York: C. M. Saeton (1854)
Contains a section on sheepdogs

Redwood, M. M., A Dog's Life: Working Dogs in New Zealand, New Zealand: Reed (1980)

Reid, H. G., Old Oscar, the Faithful Dog, London: LSW Patridgge Publishers (1863)

Rennie, Neil, Working Dogs, New Zealand: Shortland Publications (1984)

Richardson, E. H., Forty Years With Dogs, London: Hutchinson & Co. (1930?)
War dogs

Ritson, Lady Kitty, Lad, the Story of a Border Collie (1938)

Robertson, Pope, Anybody Can Do It, Elgin, TX: Rovar Publ. (1979)

Robertson, Robert Blackwood, Of Sheep and Men, New York: Knopf (1957)
Scotland; customs

Ruck, Ruth Janette, A Place of Stones, London: Faber & Faber (1961)

Sargent, W., The Useful Collie, Keene, NH: Sentinel Press (1902)

Saunders, Roy, Craig of the Welsh Hills, London: Old Bourne (1958)

-----, Sheepdog Glory, London: Andre Deutsch (1956)

Sayers, Angela & Bunting, Edward, Hamlyn Dog Breed Handbook: Border Collies, London: Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd. (1988)
Breed book

Seymour, John, The Shepherd, London: Sidgwich & Jackson (1983)

Shaffner, Carroll, Training a Working Collie, Boalsburg, PA: Shaffner (1979)

Shenloch, Patti, Some Fine Dog, New York: Holiday House (1992)

Shrine, Mary, Shepherd Easton's Daughter, London: E. Arnold & Co. (1925)

Simms, K. J., Springbok in Sunshine (1940s)

Singer, Marilyn, Chester the Out-of-Work Dog (Illustrated by Cat Bowman Smith), Henry Holt (1992).

Smith, Croxton, British Dogs, London: Collins (1946)

Stranger, Joyce, Flash, London: Collins (1976)

Stranger, Joyce, Rex, London: Harell (1967)

Taggart, Mari, Sheepdog Training: An All-Breed Approach, Loveland, CO: Alpine (1986)

Templeton, John and Matt Mundell, Working Sheepdogs: Management and Training, Ramsbury, Marlborough: The Crowood Press (1988)

Thomson, Iain, Isolation Shepherd, Inverness: Bideau Books (1983)

Thorpe and Dunn, A Shepherd's Year, North Pomfret, VT: David & Charles (1979)

Turnbull, Ann, Rob Goes-a-Hunting, New York: Orchard Books (1990)
Picture book

Varnon, Jim, Because of Eve, DeSoto, TX: Eve Publishing (1986)

Vesey-Fitgerald, Brian, The Domestic Dog, London: Routledge & Paul (1957)
Contains a section on sheepdogs

Vidler, The Border Collie in Australasia, Kellyille, ?: Gotrah Enterprises (1983)

Walden, Arthur T., Leading a Dog's Life, Boston: Houghton Mifflin (1931)
Novel of Border Collie sled dog

Wentworth-Day, J., The Wisest Dogs in the World: An Account of the Longshaw Trials, England: A. Ward (1975)

Whyte, Wm., The Sheepdog: Judging and Conduct of Trials . . ., Auckland: Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd (1940)

Willis, Barclay, Downland Treasure, London: Sheffington & Son (1938)

-----, Bypaths in Downland (1927)
Shepherding in Sussex

-----, Shepherds of Sussex

Wood, Wendy, Mac's Croft, New York: E. P. Dutton (1949)

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