The following articles are aimed toward the Border Collie breeder, as well as those who are curious about the science of genetics.
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Genetics and the Border Collie: This article was written in the mid-1990s by the United States Border Collie Club. It contains a detailed explanation of the genetics of the working border collie and the basis of the USBCC's strong objection to the idea of registering border collies with the American Kennel Club.

Genetics Articles

Finding the Genes that Determine Canine Behavior (by Dr. Polly Matzinger)

The articles below were published in the newsletter of the United States Border Collie Club in the mid-1990s.

What Is A Breed, Anyway?

Genes and Hips

The Genetics of Behavior

The Genetics of Color

Breeding Information

Genetics and Breeding on the Web

All content on this site is protected by copyright and may not be used in any way without permission. Banner photo courtesy of Denise Wall, ©2009 CDWall.