Sheepdog Training Information on the Web

The web sites below contain articles are helpful to anyone interested in getting started in sheepdog training.

Littlehats: a web site devoted to helping novice sheepdog trainers learn the art of stock work with a border collie

The American Border Collie Network: articles and information about training border collies by Candy Kennedy

To Novice . . . And Beyond is an active Facebook group for sharing information about sheepdog training.

Video Series: Starting May on Sheep (by Denise Wall)

May at Ten Months

May at Eleven Months

May at Fourteen Months

May at Eighteen Months

May at Twenty-Two Months

May at Twenty-Three Months

All content on this site is protected by copyright and may not be used in any way without permission. Banner photo courtesy of Denise Wall, ©2009 CDWall.