All About Border Collies was originally established by the United States Border Collie Club, Inc. (USBCC) in January of 1999. The USBCC was dedicated to preserving the Border Collie as a working stock dog; opposing the showing, judging and breeding of Border Collies based on their appearance; promoting only careful breeding for the preservation of working ability and the avoidance of genetic defects; and helping Border Collie owners and the public generally to better understand and appreciate the traditional Border Collie, bred for work. This site was intended as a service to the public with these aims in mind. In the spring of 2016, the USBCC decided that the recently formed ABCA Health & Education Foundation, Inc. (HEF), was a better vehicle to accomplish these aims, and dissolved its corporate existence, transferring its assets to the HEF. The dog in the USBCC logo was adopted into the HEF logo, signifying the continuity of the two organizations' mission. Since then, this site has been privately maintained by Eileen Stein and Heather Nadelman.

A Quick Guide to This Site

BC Basics
BC Basics is the first stopping place for the new visitor. We have information here about the art of living with and loving this wonderful breed, including tips on getting a border collie and basic border collie characteristics.
BC Health
BC Health provides articles and links about both common health problems in border collies and the basic genetics of the breed. Some of the genetics articles include information on genes and hips, the genetics of behavior, and information about the color genetics behind red dogs, white dogs, and merle dogs. We also offer a sample puppy sales contract for breeders, as well as information about puppy testing.
BC Training
BC Training offers both articles and links on basic obedience training, sheepdog training, and other activities such as agility and tracking. We also are proud to offer a series of videos on the training of a young sheepdog.
BC Boards
Talk with others about border collies on the BC Boards. Join our active community today!
All content on this site is protected by copyright and may not be used in any way without permission. Banner photo courtesy of Denise Wall, ©2009 CDWall.